New Web Site Coming Soon!
We’ll be unveiling a new web site very soon. For many years our site has had a more advanced look than lots of other police agencies, but when it comes to content, those same police agencies had us beat. As the old saying goes, looks aren’t everything and we wanted our site to be useful, not just aesthetically pleasing. So in the days to come, you’ll see the results of seven months of hard work as these pages are completely revamped. The address will stay the same, but there will be a lot that’s different. There will be much more information about each police District, including information about your District Captain and the Officers who patrol your neighborhood. We’ll have a lengthy section of frequently asked questions, information about how to compliment an officer (which I hope you’ll do a lot of!), information about some of the programs we offer for your children and more detailed crime statistics. And while looks aren’t everything, we do think that we’ve done a pretty good job of making the site look good. Most important though, we want you to be able to come here to find just about everything you need. We hope with our new site, you’ll be able to do just that.
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